Plan To Grow Food(pub May 2019) a spacial planning guide for allotments and other food growing spaces.
Plan To Grow (pub May 2019) a brief version of our planning guide for allotments in booklet format.
Good Governance (pub June 2018) Explains why good governance is the key to any successful allotment site. Full of practical ideas for designing and implementing effective systems. Of interest to any plot holders, members of management committees and members of groups trying to set up an allotment association.
Grow Your Own Allotment Site with ideas and case studies to help groups to work towards creating and developing an allotment site
Scotland's Allotment Design Guide (2013) published by SAGS sponsored by the Grow Your Own working group. |
Scottish edition of the Plotholder's Guide (2010) published jointly by SAGS and ARI
Finding Scotland's Allotments (2007): the full report on the SAGS audit of all Allotments in Scotland
Growing Scotland (2007): report showing how gardening and allotments contribute to the Scottish Executive agenda to improve the Nation's well being
Peter's Produce (how much can you grow on a 200sq.m. allotment?) + other leaflets. |